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Extended until 22 July inclusive: -15% on freeze-dried products and -10% on equipment (excluding special offers) with the code 'HAPPYLYO'!

Complete meals - Freeze-dried or Sterilized - Food stock

Are you passionate about adventure? Do you love isolating yourself in nature, seeking new challenges to test your limits? You decide to embark on a new adventure that tests your survival limits. Of course, you will need to prepare for any eventuality. That being said, when it comes to survival, the first thing that comes to mind is food. Your first major challenge will be to secure survival meals throughout your journey. Do you lack experience in this area or perhaps are you hesitating between choices? Reading this article will give you more details about survival meals.

Survival Meals: What Are They?

For long journeys in unknown regions or environments that are not easy to adapt to, you must carefully choose your kits. Among your survival kits, the most important element to choose carefully is the survival meal. A survival meal consists of breakfasts, dishes, basic foods, and packaged snacks that will serve as your food during your journey.
A survival meal is generally freeze-dried food that can be stored for up to 25 years. It is packaged in boxes or containers to be preserved and useful along the way. They come in individual or double portions. Large packaged boxes contain several meal portions.

What Does a Survival Meal Include?

A survival ration allows you to have compact, nutrient-rich food that can be stored for a long time. Whether at sea, in the mountains, or on an island for your adventures, you will certainly need it. It is designed so that you have different foods for different days. This is done to avoid getting tired of eating the same thing. Our selection for you includes brands like Emergency Food, Fuel Your Preparation, and Real Field Meal. It is divided into different types of food that we offer you.


To start a day well, you must consider your diet. A good breakfast provides you with the necessary energy and awakens your nervous system to face the day. To this end, our program offers you raspberry oatmeal stored in boxes with a shelf life of 25 years. A box contains 18 individual portions, which is about two weeks of breakfast.
You also have the choice of scrambled eggs with cheese available in two formats: in a box and in a package. The package is a calorie-rich individual portion. The box is also calorie-rich and contains 8 portions.

Main Dishes

To vary your nutrition, we offer you more than 80 freeze-dried products. We have 6 portions of Hungarian beef and pasta available in a box. Its shelf life is 15 years.
You can also find in our store large packages of lamb with rice and lentils. We have many other products. To learn more, get to know the contents of our store.


Even in difficult moments during your journeys, enjoying a nourishing dessert or snack can bring a smile to your face. Our program includes several stock products for you. You can treat yourself with a box of crispy apple cream with a shelf life of 25 years. It contains 14 portions, to be enjoyed alone or with others.
A few packages (one portion) of chocolate mousse with cherries and granola or rice pudding with strawberries will also make you feel at ease.
For moments when you need a snack or something to boost your energy, we offer Beef Jerky according to your preferences. You can also stock up on protein bars.

Advantages of a Survival Meal for a Survivalist

It is natural for a human being to eat daily. Eating well is a human need. It becomes even more vital when you find yourself in an environment where your survival becomes a priority. As a survivalist, when you know you will have a challenging journey, survival meals are the best option to minimize the weight of your bag. The content of survival meals is very light and compact for each individual portion package.
The preparation time is drastically reduced. Preparing a freeze-dried food will certainly not take you more than ten to fifteen minutes. You just need to add water and wait for it to be ready. Taking a ration and then drinking some water will rejuvenate you in less than an hour. You save precious time.
You save a lot of space in your bag once closed. Assembling survival meals gives you the advantage of choosing what you want to eat and when you want to eat it.

Advantages for Self-Sufficient Individuals

Living a self-sufficient life involves a lot of situations, especially when you have a job that takes up most of your time. Coming home late, then cooking, waiting to digest before sleeping. All this leaves barely any time to rest well. What could be better than a snack taken from the back of your kitchen cupboard to save you time? The biggest advantage is that you can stock up on these foods in your kitchen without spending a lot.
Indeed, survival meals are really not expensive. You can stock up on food by planning at least 40% of freeze-dried foods in the lot. As long as you want, you can always use them. It is not a perishable product when placed in adequate conditions.
With freeze-dried food, there is no need to be a cooking expert. The dishes do not necessarily need additional touches before being consumed. You also do not have to worry about nutritional intake, as they are reservoirs of essential nutrients for the body. They contain as few harmful substances as possible for the body. Moreover, a freeze-dried meal is free of bacteria.
In short, for survivalists as well as for people seeking autonomy, survival meals are an indispensable survival solution. They have advantages for the body, physical health, and also the economy.

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