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Extended until 22 July inclusive: -15% on freeze-dried products and -10% on equipment (excluding special offers) with the code 'HAPPYLYO'!

Freeze-dried meals

Are you an outdoor activity enthusiast looking for a way to meet your dietary needs during your outings? Freeze-dried meals are what you need. Do you know what a freeze-dried meal is? Do you have an idea of its benefits for you and where you can find it? This article will give you more details about these meals that are suitable for you. Discover everything about freeze-dried meals and their benefits for people engaging in outdoor activities (trekking, bikepacking, mountaineering...)!

What should you know about freeze-dried meals?

A freeze-dried meal is a dish that contains foods that have been frozen between -40 and -60°C. Then, they are dehydrated in a vacuum device, where the temperature rises to 0°C. The water present in the food gradually dehydrates to preserve a hard, water-free food that can be stored for a long time.
It should be noted that this technique has several significant advantages. Indeed, when the water contained in the food is extracted, the volume of the food decreases. This makes it easy to transport, as it is placed in a freeze-dried pouch. Moreover, when you freeze-dry food, it retains its nutritional values and organic qualities, which is contrary to other food preservation operations where foods lose their values.

Who can consume freeze-dried meals?

Everyone can consume freeze-dried meals. Indeed, unlike some food preservation processes, freeze-dried meals can be eaten by everyone.
This is because freeze-drying does not kill any nutritional compounds in the food. Thus, it does not create any nutritional deficiency that could be considered dangerous. This is not necessarily the case with a dehydrated meal which, while easier to make at home, will not retain as much nutritional value (carbohydrates, proteins, fats...).
This is why there are no age restrictions or conditions that say a person suffering from a particular pathology cannot consume freeze-dried meals. So, enjoy freeze-dried meals with peace of mind.
Nowadays, brands also offer freeze-dried meals for children, with portions adapted to their morphology.

Some freeze-dried meal recipes we sell

There are several types of freeze-dried meals, already prepared and packaged in a freeze-dried pouch that you can buy directly. Among the best recipes, here are some breakfasts and meals we have selected for you:
→ chocolate muesli;  
→ raspberry oatmeal;  
→ pulled pork and rice;  
→ Savoyard tartiflette;  
→ three-cheese gratin dauphinois;  
→ scrambled eggs (with cheese, ham, onions, or Mexican style).
In addition to these mentioned recipes, there are many others that are very nutritious and that you might like, such as pork and beans, Bolognese pasta, Moroccan couscous. If one of these recipes tempts you, enjoy it during your outdoor outings!
Freezedried & Co offers a wide range with many brands such as Real, MX3 Nutrition, or Voyager Nutrition.

How much does a freeze-dried meal cost with us?

The price of a freeze-dried meal varies depending on its content. For a good breakfast, you will need between 3 and 10 euros. For starters and soups, you should budget between 3 and 8 euros. A main course will cost you between 6 and 10 euros, and a dessert will cost you between 3 and 8 euros.
These prices are market standards and can vary depending on the brands (Mx3, Real Turmat, Voyager...). Moreover, when you are looking for a slightly more elaborate dish (100% natural or noble ingredients), the price may be slightly higher. But generally, freeze-dried meals are not expensive.

Why is it not recommended to prepare a freeze-dried meal yourself?

Preparing a freeze-dried meal requires a freeze-dryer, which is a very expensive device. For the more daring, you must first select the dish to prepare. Then, you need to gather the necessary ingredients for its preparation.
Once all the ingredients are ready, you need to prepare the meal while respecting the doses. At this stage, many people do not respect the doses, which is not good for the meal to be preserved. Moreover, when it comes to storing it in a refrigerator for a while, many do not know how long it should be stored before being put in a pouch. Sometimes, this makes homemade freeze-drying potentially toxic.
This is why it is recommended to consume meals from recognized brands such as Real Turmat or Lyo Food to avoid poor freeze-drying, as poor freeze-drying can make you sick after consuming the meal.

Why are they suitable for outdoor activity enthusiasts?

Outdoor activity enthusiasts are the primary consumers of freeze-dried meals. This is because they are often on the move and not stable. Also, the environments in which they practice their activities do not allow them to prepare real meals.
For example, if you go on a trip, a hike, a trek, or a mountaineering expedition for some time, you will not be able to cook due to lack of time and because carrying fresh food is heavy and difficult to preserve once it gets hot. Moreover, you may have difficulty finding food nearby. And even if you find some, it may not appeal to you depending on the countries you travel to.
So, keeping freeze-dried meals is the best option available to you in these cases. This solution will allow you to have food autonomy and satisfy your dietary desires. From there, freeze-dried meals meet the needs of outdoor activity enthusiasts.
Finally, the main advantage remains the lightness of these meals compared to traditional meals. It is also easy and quick to prepare.

Get your freeze-dried meals on Freezedriedandco.com

The online store www.freezedriedandco.com offers a variety of meals from different ranges that meet all your needs. These meals are prepared by freeze-drying experts and are offered to you at very attractive prices.
Visit the site and check out the available meals. You have the option to buy packs, which is cheaper. For your trip or any outdoor adventure, choose Freezedried & Co to quickly find the meal that suits you best. We have the widest selection in Europe. Choose the products you want, pay with your preferred payment method, and get them delivered quickly to your home.

How to eat a freeze-dried meal?

To eat your freeze-dried meal, you must first hydrate it. This hydration allows the meal to warm up and become hot as if it had just been prepared. Thus, to hydrate your meal, you can do it with hot water. Heat the water, add it to the meal, mix, and wait for a while before eating. Some meals can also be rehydrated with cold water. All instructions are indicated on the pouches: preparation time, amount of water to add, shelf life...
If you are on a hike or trek in an environment where you cannot heat water, here is a tip for you. Put water in a bottle and cover it with hot sand. This sand will heat the water so you can rehydrate your meal. It is very easy to eat a freeze-dried meal in any environment.

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