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Extended until 22 July inclusive: -15% on freeze-dried products and -10% on equipment (excluding special offers) with the code 'HAPPYLYO'!

Freeze-dried breakfasts

Breakfast is often considered the most important meal of the day. So before heading out for a hike, at sea, or on an expedition, make sure to carefully select the freeze-dried breakfasts that will accompany you.
Whether they are sweet or savory, their richness in carbohydrates will guarantee the necessary boost to start the day right. Discover our selection of freeze-dried breakfasts: muesli, porridge, English breakfast... you are sure to find something you love!

Freeze-dried breakfasts: what are they?

These are breakfasts that are first prepared and then freeze-dried. The freeze-drying process is different from dehydration even though the end goal is the same: to remove water from the food. This results in significant weight savings, which is ideal for avoiding a heavy backpack during outdoor activities.
All the foods found in our breakfasts can undergo freeze-drying. From fruits to nuts, chocolate to dairy products, we offer you nourishing freeze-dried breakfasts that allow you to start your enduring day with energy.

Advantages of freeze-dried breakfasts for athletes

Whether you are hikers or outdoor activity enthusiasts (whatever they may be), freeze-dried meals will be your indispensable allies. We emphasize breakfast because it is the meal that allows you to start your day on the right foot.
Freeze-dried meals are light and easy to carry as mentioned earlier. They will save you space in your backpack. Where you could only stack two heavy bowls of meals, you can now slip in many more packages of freeze-dried breakfasts. Additionally, these meals are easy to prepare. No time wasted making your breakfast yourself. Everything is ready; you just need to rehydrate it with hot or cold water.
As for the taste, rest assured! This is one of the advantages of freeze-drying. Although they are freeze-dried, the foods retain their original taste. Moreover, they also keep their nutritional values.
You will thus enjoy breakfasts rich in:
• carbohydrates, to boost your energy
• fats, for cell renewal
• proteins, to strengthen muscles.
You will be able to stock up on essential nutrients to start your enduring activity. Finally, the last advantage is the shelf life. Where a classic muesli can be kept for a few months at most, freeze-dried muesli can be kept for several years. You won't be in a hurry to consume them.

A wide range for all tastes

We offer you a varied range of freeze-dried breakfasts. There is something for all tastes and preferences. Do you prefer savory meals? You will enjoy our scrambled eggs with onions or our porridge with smoked ham and mushrooms. Do you prefer sweet? Let yourself be tempted by our mueslis or our oatmeal flakes.
Whether you are vegetarians or vegans, you will find the perfect freeze-dried breakfast for you. Our range also takes into account people with allergies (lactose, gluten...). You will be able to nourish yourself easily in the great outdoors.
For those with a sweet tooth, we recommend these categories: dairy desserts, fruit desserts, chocolate desserts, freeze-dried fruits.
Freezedried & Co offers more than 10 brands just for its freeze-dried breakfasts: MX3 Nutrition, Voyager Nutrition, Real, etc.

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