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Extended until 22 July inclusive: -15% on freeze-dried products and -10% on equipment (excluding special offers) with the code 'HAPPYLYO'!

Freeze-Dried Staple Foods - Long Shelf Life: Eggs, Breads...

The biggest challenge for outdoor enthusiasts is food. In fact, they must necessarily take appropriate precautions while avoiding compromising their health. Thus, the foods they choose must provide their bodies with a sufficient amount of energy. Survival staple foods are the best solution to refuel during an expedition. These foods have multiple benefits for everyone, whether they engage in outdoor activities or not. Want to get some? On our site Freezedried & Co, you can discover several varieties of staple foods for better expeditions and experiences.

Survival Staple Foods

By "staple food," we mean "unprocessed foods." These consist of bread, dairy products, eggs, meat, vegetables, and many more. In other words, these are foods that make up a complete meal. We talk about survival because these are the ideal solution for an outdoor expedition. Thus, in the event of a natural disaster that could lead to an emergency situation, the expeditioners can always feed and hydrate themselves without any problem.
For a food to meet survival rules, it must be freeze-dried. Logically, a freeze-dried food is one that has undergone freeze-drying.
Freeze-drying is a very effective food preservation method. It involves first freezing the food and then dehydrating it to remove all the water it contains. It is considered a revolution because it is the only food preservation process that allows the food to be preserved for several decades. Also, the foods are preserved and free from mold. They retain their natural flavors and nutritional values: this is all an expeditioner needs.
It should be noted that the food loses its weight and shape when dehydrated. However, there is no need to panic, because once rehydrated (with hot or cold water), the food regains its original shape and smell.
This technology gives the best results in food preservation (especially snacks).

What Types of Foods Can We Freeze-Dry?

Considering the principle of freeze-drying, we can deduce that the more water a food contains, the more promising its preservation by this process. Water is thus the main factor to ensure perfect freeze-drying. Consequently, all foods can be freeze-dried, except those that are too sweet, too salty, or too fatty. For example, we can mention honey and oil, which do not contain water and therefore cannot be freeze-dried.
The foods that frequently undergo this process are fruits (slightly sweet), vegetables, meat, fish, coffee, cheese, etc.
We offer you a wide range of freeze-dried products to enrich your culture and offer you new experiences. We have something for every taste and at a price that suits your wallet. Below, we detail some freeze-dried foods.

Meat and Eggs

In this range, you will find canned meat and powdered eggs. The latter can be rehydrated and are perfect for making breakfasts or pastries. The meat will perfectly complement your savory meals. These two nutrients promise you a significant intake of lipids and proteins. This intake is what your body needs to ensure the expedition.
We offer you chicken dices from the brand Fuel Your Preparation. It is a box of 24 portions, which can be preserved for 25 years. It offers you 491 kcals per 100 g. Also discover the Cooked Minced Beef of 24 portions as well.

Starches and Vegetables

These are freeze-dried purees, carrots, cereals, peas packaged in bags or cans. The foods packaged in bags can be preserved for a period of 5 years. However, those packaged in cans can be stored for a period ranging from 15 to 25 years. Note that the shelf life also varies according to the brands.
Vegetables and starches are perfect for replenishing your vitamins. To consume these products and refuel, you just need to rehydrate them by adding hot or cold water. You can then enjoy delicious vegetable soups.

Dairy Products

Packaged in bags and cans, these freeze-dried products are essentials of the diet. We can mention butter powder, milk, and grated parmesan. Their preparation method, as you might have guessed, is ultra-easy. Just rehydrate them with hot or cold water for them to be ready to consume.
This type of food is very light and easy to handle. Butter powders and milk can be preserved for 10 or 15 years. However, grated parmesan can only be stored for 2 years. However, you can sprinkle it to perfectly complement your snacks.

Bread and Biscuits

These are staple foods, packaged in vacuum-sealed cans, that you can preserve for 15 years. In this range, you will find wholemeal bread, rye bread, sesame bars with honey, cakes... These foods do not need to be rehydrated or reheated. They are ready to be consumed directly.

Benefits of Survival Staple Foods for Athletes

Outdoor activities require a lot of energy from practitioners. To ensure a full energy supply, you need to eat. The longer the expedition lasts, the more it will involve food reserves. Freeze-dried meals are thus options that will benefit you on several levels.
This type of food weighs almost nothing and is easily stored in the travel bag. Also, it can be preserved for a very long time, depending on the date of manufacture. Just make sure to keep the packaging hermetically sealed.
The nutritional value of the product is preserved and even improved. Your expedition requires foods that provide you with proteins to fight muscle fatigue. Since freeze-drying minimally damages the foods, their nutritional values are preserved.
Additionally, all these foods are designed to keep you self-sufficient, especially in case of emergency. The cans contain several portions that will keep your group/family and you safe from hunger.

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