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Extended until 22 July inclusive: -15% on freeze-dried products and -10% on equipment (excluding special offers) with the code 'HAPPYLYO'!

Meat & Eggs - Long shelf life

We no longer need to remind ourselves that meats and eggs are essential for a complete diet. They are significant sources of lipids and proteins. They are particularly important for outdoor activity enthusiasts, as they provide the necessary nutrients to boost their performance. Since we are talking about outdoor activities, the meats and eggs offered have a long shelf life. This article allows you to learn more about their benefits for athletes.

Meats and eggs – long shelf life: what is it?

Meats and eggs with a long shelf life are nothing more than foods that have undergone freeze-drying. It is a food preservation process that has been carefully thought out and, once developed, has proven to be efficient.

The freeze-drying process involves first freezing the food, then dehydrating it to remove all the water it contains. This allows the food to be preserved for many years, even several decades. Freeze-drying does not alter the taste or nutritional values of the food. Additionally, there is no risk of the food decomposing and forming mold.

Many foods can be freeze-dried. For a food to be suitable for freeze-drying, it must contain water. Thus, except for honey and oil, all foods, including meat and eggs, can be freeze-dried. The long shelf life meats and eggs we offer are therefore freeze-dried. Specifically, they are whole eggs in powder form and meats, packaged in pouches or cans.

They have:
  • a shelf life of 10 years
  • a shelf life of 15 years
  • a shelf life of 25 years

These are foods that endurance athletes and outdoor activity enthusiasts should not do without.

Nutritional benefits of meat for outdoor activity enthusiasts

Meat, alternating with eggs and fish products, combined with vegetables and starches, helps balance the athlete's diet. We recommend consuming these animal proteins 1 to 2 times a day, especially during training days. Consuming meat to promote good muscle recovery is also highly recommended.

Meat is a food rich in proteins, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. Apart from water, proteins are the nutrients in which meat is most enriched. Animal proteins have the advantage of being particularly easy to digest and have high biological values. Meat therefore provides all the essential amino acids in the right proportions to your body. It particularly contributes to good growth and muscle maintenance.

Meat offers the body a significant dose of iron and zinc. These minerals are easily absorbable by the body. Iron facilitates the transport of oxygen in the body and improves metabolism. It is important to know that iron deficiency causes fatigue, which is detrimental to your athletic performance. Zinc, on the other hand, is involved in a variety of metabolic processes such as protein synthesis. It also contributes to the regular functioning of the immune system.

Additionally, meat has a low fat content. Moreover, it represents a source of good fat.

Nutritional benefits of eggs for hikers

Eggs are a very good source of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. Like meat, the proteins contained in eggs are easily assimilated by the body. Moreover, they are evenly distributed between the yolk and the egg white.

Eggs are a choice food for athletes. Although their lipid and cholesterol content may tarnish their reputation, their richness in proteins, combined with vitamins and trace elements, makes a vital contribution to daily nutrition. After a hard day of training, consuming eggs will allow you to recover perfectly. Indeed, proteins enable cell renewal and the proper functioning of muscles.

Eggs are also enriched with fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and represent an important source of B vitamins. In the egg yolk, you mainly find vitamin B12, and in the egg white, vitamin B2. All these vitamins are involved in the process of cell division and fat combustion.

Advantages of long shelf life products

Long shelf life meats and eggs are essential items that outdoor enthusiasts should add to their travel kit. They can be stored for many years. They allow them to remain self-sufficient during emergency situations.

They are packaged in very large cans that can feed an entire group or family. If you are alone, you gain about 2 weeks of food with these cans. This type of food requires no preparation. You only need to add hot or cold water and wait a few minutes to enjoy.

Rehydrated freeze-dried eggs will be perfect for making good breakfasts or delicious pastries. Meat perfectly complements your savory meals and provides you with the necessary energy to boost your performance.

Additionally, these foods are ultra-light and therefore easy to carry in your backpack. Another advantage of freeze-dried foods is that they retain their flavor and color. So, do not worry about having to eat unappetizing and bland foods. They also retain their nutritional values. Once rehydrated, they will regain their original volume. You can enjoy delicious and nutritious meals.

When to consume them?

You can consume eggs before or after exercise. Their richness in proteins will be beneficial to boost your performance and recover properly. Meat can also be consumed after exercise. It has almost the same nutritional values as eggs.
It will allow your muscles to regenerate. You will be able to replenish the reserves you have spent.

However, it is important to note that overconsumption of meat is dangerous. There is a risk of developing health problems. It is recommended to only take the amount your body needs.

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