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3 hikes to do in the fall

September 2023 - reading time: 7 minutes


Autumn in France, an ideal season for hiking

With the climate gradually cooling, the leaves turning beautiful shades of orange, the days shortening, and fewer tourists, it's the perfect time for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts to explore new places.

Whether you're a fan of majestic mountains, rugged coastlines, or serene valleys, France offers an incredible variety of landscapes to explore in the autumn. In this article, we'll guide you through some of the most beautiful hikes in France, where you can admire the changing nature and immerse yourself in a palette of unforgettable colors.

Get your hiking boots ready, put on a warm jacket, and follow us to discover the enchanting trails of autumn in France. Whether you're an experienced hiker or a novice looking for adventure, alone or with others, these destinations promise a certain wonder in the heart of French nature this season.


Brittany - Exploring the wild coast

Autumn in Brittany offers a magnificent setting for hiking enthusiasts, and there's no better way to appreciate it than by walking the famous GR34 trail. Nicknamed the "customs officers' path," the GR34 is a coastal route that winds along cliffs, beaches, and coves, offering breathtaking views of the sea.

Let's start with Finistère. Well-known for its sometimes less-than-ideal weather, this department is filled with wonders to discover if you're in the area. Pointe du Raz, the Crozon Peninsula, Ouessant Island, Huelgoat Forest... You won't be short of landscapes to discover, each with its unique features, cliffs, or mysteries to uncover.

The north coast is also worth mentioning, known for its cities like Saint-Malo, Saint-Brieuc, and Perros-Guirec with its famous Pink Granite Coast, as well as Cap Fréhel for cliff lovers and breathtaking views.

Since Freezedried & Co is based in Lorient, it's hard not to mention the south coast, with the Gulf of Morbihan next to Vannes.

Brittany offers many hiking opportunities along the GR34, but let's not forget the rest! Brocéliande Forest, Nantes-Brest Canal, Belle-Île-en-Mer, Groix... Depending on your preferences (and the weather...), you can easily find the perfect spot for your hikes.

In short, a three-day hike on the GR34 in Brittany is an experience that will leave you with lasting memories. Beyond the breathtaking landscapes, it will allow you to connect with nature, delve into local history and legends, and savor authentic Breton cuisine.


The Vosges - Trails filled with lakes and forests, all in mid-mountain

In the heart of the Vosges massif, a lesser-known hiking destination unfolds: the GR 53 trail. Although the highest peak in the Vosges rises only to an altitude of 1,400 meters, this mountain experience remains unique. The massif, located in eastern France, is full of natural treasures.

The GR 53 stretches over 167 kilometers. Known as the "Sandstone Trail," it traverses the northern part of the Vosges, offering a varied perspective of this massif. The journey begins in Wissembourg, a charming town in the Bas-Rhin, and ends in Niederbronn-les-Bains, marked by easily recognizable red markers.

Whether you're an experienced hiker looking to conquer a significant elevation or a leisurely walker seeking quiet discoveries, the Vosges will satisfy all your desires (forests, mountains, etc.).

Discovering the Flora and Fauna of the Arcachon Basin

Autumn in the Arcachon Basin offers a hiking experience in nature that will delight outdoor adventure enthusiasts. The GR® de Pays Tour du Bassin d'Arcachon, spanning 90 kilometers, offers a leisurely exploration of this small inland sea, with its exceptional landscapes and natural sites that characterize this region.

The Arcachon Basin, dominated by the Pilat Dune, is a popular destination all year round, but it is in autumn that its natural beauty fully reveals itself. The milder temperatures and the reduction in summer tourism create an ideal setting for hikers seeking tranquility and discovery.

This trail offers a varied itinerary, allowing you to walk along the Atlantic coast, beaches, salt marshes, and characteristic pine forests of the region. You will be amazed by the diversity of flora and fauna that inhabit these lands. Moreover, autumn adds a special dimension to your adventure. The warm colors of autumn leaves blend with the already varied palette of the region, creating an even more captivating landscape.


Autumn is an ideal season to explore nature in France, and these three regions offer unique experiences for hikers. From the wild Breton coast to the colorful forests of the Vosges, and the Arcachon Basin, there is definitely a destination to suit your taste! All you have to do is prepare your hiking boots, take a few days off, and set off on a journey with family, friends, or even alone! Just make sure to plan your route according to your experience and consider the local weather conditions. And if you are a beginner, don't worry! We have also prepared a guide to know everything about hiking before you start (equipment, hiking trails, rules, and safety, etc.).

And you, what's your next hike?