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Bread, Biscuits - Long Shelf Life

To stay healthy, practicing physical activity is necessary. It helps protect against certain diseases and improves, among other things, the quality of sleep. When we talk about physical activity, we necessarily talk about adequate nutrition. In an adequate diet, bread and biscuits hold a special place. In this section, we mainly discuss bread and biscuits with a long shelf life. This article provides an overview of these extraordinary products and the reasons to adopt them.

Bread and biscuits – long shelf life: what is it?

Bread and biscuits with a long shelf life are nothing more than foods that have undergone dehydration. It is a food preservation process that allows them to be stored for a long time.

This is different from freeze-drying, which is a process that involves first freezing a food, then dehydrating it to remove all the water it contains. This process has many advantages, including the ability to store the food for many years, even several decades. Moreover, freeze-drying does not alter the flavors or nutritional values of the food. Additionally, there is no risk of the food rotting or forming mold.

As a reminder, many foods can be freeze-dried. For a food to be suitable for freeze-drying, it must contain water. Therefore, except for honey and oil, all foods can undergo freeze-drying.

The bread and biscuits we offer are not freeze-dried but rather directly cut and packaged in cans or airtight bags. Specifically, they are whole wheat bread, rye bread, nutritive bars, biscuits, or cookies that you can snack on during your outdoor activities. These are either packaged in bags or in cans.

These are essential basic foods that cannot be stored for long under normal circumstances. For example, if you take whole wheat bread, you will notice that the expiration date on its box is 2 years after the manufacturing date. This is actually a precaution taken in Germany to quickly deplete stocks. However, at Freezedried & Co, we have certificates (which you can view in the product sheets of each item) stating that these breads can be stored for 15 years.

Bread and biscuits are foods that endurance athletes and outdoor activity practitioners must imperatively include in their diet.

Nutritional benefits of bread for outdoor activity practitioners

Like pasta and rice, bread is also a starchy food. It is therefore recommended to consume it at every meal, especially when you are expending energy. As an athlete, bread nourishes your efforts and supports you throughout your adventure. It is mainly composed of starch and therefore provides a significant carbohydrate intake.

During your hikes, you work your muscles a lot, and they require a lot of energy. Thanks to the carbohydrates in bread, you benefit from a great source of energy. Moreover, consuming bread during the recovery phase allows you to replenish the glycogen stores you have depleted.

Whole wheat bread is mainly composed of proteins, fibers, vitamins, and minerals that work in synergy to ensure the regular functioning of your muscles.

Nutritional benefits of biscuits for outdoor activity practitioners

Biscuits are foods appreciated by almost everyone. They are snacks that are easily integrated into our diet, whether at breakfast, snack time, or as a treat. The nutritional content of biscuits varies depending on their composition. However, those made mainly from wheat flour provide carbohydrates, fibers, vitamins (B), and minerals (mainly iron).

B vitamins are responsible for converting carbohydrates into energy. Iron is an essential mineral for outdoor athletes. It is easily absorbed by the body and is involved in the production of red blood cells. It also facilitates the transport of oxygen throughout all the cells of the body, which is essential for endurance.

Advantages of products with a long shelf life

Bread and biscuits with a long shelf life are essential items that outdoor practitioners should add to their travel kit. They have the advantage of being able to be stored for many years without decomposing. Thanks to their exceptional nutritional values and practicality, they allow outdoor athletes to remain autonomous during emergency situations.

These foods are ultra-light and therefore easy to carry in a backpack. Another advantage of foods with a long shelf life is that they retain their flavor and color. They also maintain their nutritional values.

They are packaged in very large cans that can feed an entire group or family. These breads, biscuits, and cakes require no preparation. All you have to do is open the packaging and serve yourself. You can even snack on them while continuing your perilous journey. You will remain free to make all your movements.

Bread and biscuits are foods that we always enjoy sharing with family or friends. Bread, in particular, is an ancestral food that is part of French culture and heritage. It is always a pleasure to taste, share, or offer it.

Combined with biscuits, they allow you to enjoy better health, optimal performance, and moments of joy and pleasure. On our site, you can discover dairy products (butter, cheese) with which to spread on your bread to change the taste and enjoy. In this section, you will also find flour (for storage) to make your own bread, biscuits, or cake recipes.

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