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Extended until 22 July inclusive: -15% on freeze-dried products and -10% on equipment (excluding special offers) with the code 'HAPPYLYO'!

Freeze-dried foods: meats & starches

It should be noted: starches and meat are essential for adequate nutrition during outdoor activities. These foods provide the necessary nutrients to boost your body with energy and push your limits. Since these are outdoor activities, we offer you freeze-dried meats and starches, which have great advantages for athletes but not only. We invite you to continue reading this article to learn more.

Freeze-dried meats and starches: what are they?

To answer this question, we will rather explain what freeze-drying is. Thus, freeze-drying is an operation that involves freezing and then dehydrating a food. This operation removes all the water contained in the food, which reduces its volume. It can then be preserved for a longer time. Moreover, this reduces the risk of mold formation. Since its creation in the 1900s, it has been continuously improved to become efficient today. We can even say that it is the best way to preserve food after its transformation. Except for honey and oil, which cannot be freeze-dried because they do not contain water, all other foods can undergo this operation. Among them, we obviously count meats and starches. These are the meals we offer you in this section of our site. We remind you that we collaborate with the best brands on the market that care about your well-being. That is why they provide you with the best, balanced, and freeze-dried meals. Take a look and choose the ones that will delight you.

What is the importance of meats and starches for outdoor activity practitioners?

Meat and starches are the perfect combo for eating during an outdoor activity. To begin with, we will explain the benefits of meat. So, you should know that it is an interesting source of protein. As an outdoor activity practitioner, you should not neglect it. Proteins are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
They rebuild your cells to help you recover properly. They are made up of chains of amino acids and contribute to the creation of hormones and enzymes that boost your energy. By eating meat, you will fill up on iron. It also allows your body to better absorb iron. Note that iron is the mineral that promotes the circulation of oxygen in the blood.
Meat plays its part in ensuring the balance of your diet. Proteins contribute to the better functioning of muscles. They repair torn tissues during effort and create new ones. Moreover, some meats like beef (also known as red meat) are rich in creatine. This molecule is important for sports like hiking and trekking, which require a lot of effort.
Starches, on the other hand, are a good source of carbohydrates. As an athlete, carbohydrates are your best ally. Normally, for an adult, it is recommended to consume 55% carbohydrates, 15% proteins, and 30% lipids per day. However, when you are an athlete, the recommended carbohydrate intake rises to 70%. This nutrient should not be neglected, and you will find it in starches. Note that they have a low glycemic index. This is very favorable for energy replenishment. Moreover, during an activity requiring long-term effort, carbohydrates will be released slowly. This is much better than foods with a high glycemic index, as during effort, carbohydrates are released too quickly.
Thus, by consuming starches, you can be more effective for a longer duration. Combined with meat, you can improve your performance and even constantly push your limits. Like meats, starches are also a great source of vitamins, minerals, and fibers.

When to consume meat and starches to boost performance?

As for starches, eating them before the effort will allow you to make a significant energy reserve that will be useful during the activity. It is recommended to consume them about ten hours before the activity to give your body time to transform them into energy. After the effort, you can also consume starches. This will be useful for the recovery phase. Combine them with meat to allow your muscles to regenerate. You can also replenish the reserves you have spent.

What are the advantages of freeze-dried meals for outdoor activity practitioners?

Freeze-dried foods have been specially designed for outdoor activity practitioners because they greatly facilitate their activities. Indeed, it is difficult to find adequate cooking equipment in nature. And if you decide to take it with you, it can become very cumbersome and make the adventure perilous. That is why freeze-dried meals and freeze-dried basic foods are better alternatives. To consume them, you just need to add hot or cold water to the meal and wait a few minutes. These instructions are on the packaging of each meal. Moreover, some foods can be consumed directly from the packaging, such as breakfasts, desserts, or even vegetarian dishes or dishes with meat, for example. So if you make the right choices, you won't need to take containers with you. Freeze-dried meals are packaged in compact packages that you can easily slip into your travel bag. In some cases, you can dispose of the packaging by throwing it into the fire, so as not to burden yourself. Another advantage of freeze-dried meals is that they maintain their taste and color. You will not have to consume bland foods that kill your appetite. They also maintain their nutritional values. Once rehydrated, they regain their original volume. You can enjoy delicious and nutritious meals.

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