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Extended until 22 July inclusive: -15% on freeze-dried products and -10% on equipment (excluding special offers) with the code 'HAPPYLYO'!

Comparison between freeze-fried/dehydrated meals

In what situations is rehydrated food used?

Rehydrated food is convenient if you want to eat well while hiking, trekking, climbing for a self-sufficient race like the Marathon des Sables, or even sailing to lighten the load. Indeed, these ultra-light meals are essential for these activities that require self-sufficiency over several days.

Rehydrated foods, particularly freeze-dried ones, can also be easily stored at home in case of emergencies (storms, power outages, supermarket supply stops...) due to their space-saving nature and long shelf life.

In Europe, many manufacturers sell rehydrated meals. On lyophilise.fr, you can choose your meals from several hundred recipes. The choice is extensive - around 550 recipes - including breakfasts, main courses, desserts, staple foods, fruits, cheeses, vegetables...

How to choose your rehydrated meals?

Many questions arise before going on an expedition! Between the number of calories to take, the constraints you will face, the equipment you have, and the little luxuries you wouldn't give up for anything, the backpack weight increases quickly.

Depending on the adventures, freeze-dried/dehydrated foods will play a secondary role when fresh products are available or can be combined with cooked meals. They will be there as backup meals, and you need to be mindful of the number of calories. Sailors, for example, appreciate an extra hot meal that is quick to prepare during their night shifts. Freeze-dried/dehydrated food is perfect for this situation!

If the option of "all" freeze-dried/dehydrated from breakfast to dessert is chosen (desert marathons, around-the-world sailing races...), variety, taste, and recipe quality should be the "leitmotif" for a successful selection while always ensuring to bring the right number of calories.

The diversity of freeze-dried/dehydrated recipes allows for selections that cater to people with food intolerances while delighting everyone's taste buds.

Finally, the budget is a criterion to consider because, as you will discover, there are many rehydrated recipes... but not all are freeze-dried. This affects the cost and the nutritional quality of the meal.

We have therefore decided to give you a little comparison of all rehydrated meals based on origins, packaging, preparation type, shelf life, calories, portions, choices, and budget.

What are the different types of rehydrated meals?

  • 100% freeze-dried
  • Mix of dehydrated and freeze-dried ingredients
  • 100% dehydrated


Each of these meal preparation methods has its own advantages. We explain below the differences between these manufacturing methods.

What is a 100% freeze-dried meal?

All the producers listed below cook and freeze-dry their meals. The ingredients are therefore simmered together.

How do they freeze-dry them?

1. They prepare their meals and freeze them to -40°C in a freeze-dryer.
2. They remove the air from the freeze-dryer.
3. They bring the freeze-dryer from -40°C to 0°C. The water in the food changes from solid to gas without passing through the liquid state, which is called sublimation.

The advantages of freeze-dried food?

These freeze-dried meals have several advantages:

  1. More caloric per 100 g compared to dehydrated meals, averaging around 500 kcal per 100 g depending on the dish.
  2. Possibility of rehydrating with cold water if making a fire is not possible, unlike dehydrated foods. Note: rehydration with cold water takes twice as long as rehydration with boiling water.
  3. Long shelf life: packets can be stored for 3 to 8 years depending on the brand, and cans up to 25 years after the manufacturing date.
  4. No additives or preservatives (except for a few recipes with eggs, for example).

▶▶ Freeze-dried Pulled Pork ◀◀

The only downside: the prices are higher than dehydrated meals or meals mixing freeze-dried and dehydrated ingredients. Indeed, the larger the food item, the more time and energy it takes to freeze-dry, as with the LyoFood brand. This is why, in most cases, pieces of meat, fish, and poultry are small to reduce the process cost. But freeze-drying is of higher quality than dehydration, preserving about 95% of the nutritional value of freeze-dried products. Other methods, like dehydration, retain only 60% of the nutritional value because the heat destroys some vitamins and minerals.

Did you know? Only the sauce is in powder form. Ingredients such as starches, meats, and vegetables are distinct in the packet.

Here are the brands that cook and 100% freeze-dry their meals, highlighting their specificities:

Brand/Origin Packaging Preparation Shelf life after manufacturing date Portion before rehydration Rehydrated portion Calories Choices Budget
Individual vacuum-sealed packet Water line outside the packet 5 years 50 to 160 g 350 to 500 g 250 to 650 kcal Breakfasts, Soups, Main courses €6.95 to €11.95

Individual vacuum-sealed packet Water line outside the packet 5 years 100 to 130 g 400 to 530 g 700 kcal Breakfasts, Soups, Main courses, Military rations €7.50 to €10.50 / €17.50 per ration

Individual packet, small or large format Water line outside the packet 2 to 4 years 40 to 150 g Small format: 370 g / Large format: 500 g 100 to 750 kcal Breakfasts, Main courses, Desserts, Fruit/Vegetable powders, Fruits, Soups €3.50 to €14.50

Individual horizontal packet No water line but water quantity indicated (100 ml, 200 ml, 300 ml, 400 ml) / The packet can be placed on a fire to heat the rehydrated meal with cold water 8 years 60 to 125 g 270 to 490 g 320 to 650 kcal Breakfasts, Main courses, Soups €5.95 to €10.95
Individual packet (can be shared between 2) No water line 5 years 135 to 195 g 330 to 670 g 800 kcal Breakfasts, Main courses €14.50 to €16.42
Individual packet No water line 5 years 80 to 110 g 280 to 360 g 450 kcal Breakfasts, Main courses €9.95 to €12.95
Individual packet in small or large format (can be shared between 2) Water line inside the packet 7 years Small format: 80 to 140 g / Large format: 185 to 220 g Small format: 250 to 500 g / Large format: 500 to 800 g Small format: 600 kcal / Large format: 1000 kcal Breakfasts, Main courses, Desserts, Cheeses, Fruits in pieces or powder Small format: €6.20 to €8.95 / Large format: €12.50
Individual packet and can, 6 to 30 portions Packet: Water line inside the packet / Can: Can be rehydrated in the can or portions can be taken out as needed Packet: 7 years / Can: 25 years One portion equals 100 g for main courses and 70 g for breakfasts and desserts Packet: 170 to 450 g rehydrated / Can: 1 to 4 kg 300 to 520 kcal per portion Breakfasts, Main courses, Desserts, Staple foods Packet: €7.95 to €8.50 / Can: €49 to €59

Definition of a 100% dehydrated meal

Dehydration, drying by heat, is an ancient method of preserving food.

It aims to remove enough water from the product (up to 94%) to allow for better preservation and also to reduce the weight of the food. This process is less energy-intensive than freeze-drying, but the reactions that occur during dehydration affect the taste and nutritional quality. Depending on the food, dehydration is estimated to cause a loss of 10 to 50% of nutrients.

These dehydrated meals have a shorter shelf life than freeze-dried meals, about 2 years after the manufacturing date. But this process is much less expensive as it simply requires heating the product.

You can dehydrate ingredients yourself, such as fruits, in a dehydrator.
Did you know? These meals must be rehydrated with hot water, unlike freeze-dried meals that can be rehydrated with cold water.

Focus on brands:

  • Firepot cooks all their meals themselves, just like at home, then dehydrates them without adding anything else.
  • Tentmeals offers breakfasts and main courses, suitable for a vegan diet, by mixing dehydrated ingredients.

Brand/Origin Packaging Preparation Shelf life after manufacturing date Portion before rehydration Rehydrated portion Calories Choices Budget
Individual packet, small or large format (can be shared between 2) Rehydration in the packet with water line outside the packet 1 to 2 years 105 to 200 g 400 to 800 g 460 to 940 kcal Savory breakfasts, Main courses €7.95 to €9.95
Compact individual packet, fits in hand / Small or large format in 500 or 800 kcal (can be shared between 2) Rehydration outside the packet, in a bowl for example 1 year 110 to 210 g 250 to 700 g 500 to 800 kcal Breakfasts, Vegan main courses €5.95 to €7.95

Mix of freeze-dried and dehydrated ingredients

All the brands listed below mix freeze-dried (dried by cold) and dehydrated (dried by heat) ingredients.

Why this method?

Cooking a recipe in its entirety does not allow for large-scale production. To remedy this, it is possible to dehydrate or freeze-dry just one ingredient in large quantities to reduce manufacturing costs. To obtain a recipe, it will suffice to add the freeze-dried or dehydrated ingredients and combine them in a packet.

This does not necessarily mean that the resulting recipe will be of "poor" quality. Less fragile foods such as starches can be dehydrated and combined with more noble ingredients that have been freeze-dried, like meat, for example.

The disadvantages of these meals are that they cannot be rehydrated with cold water because they contain dehydrated foods. Additionally, these ingredients have not been cooked and simmered together. This can sometimes lack flavor compared to a 100% freeze-dried meal.

Brand/Origin Packaging Preparation Shelf life after manufacturing date Portion before rehydration Rehydrated portion Calories Choices Budget
Individual packet Water line inside the packet 1 to 3 years 40 to 170 g 140 to 500 g 100 to 700 kcal Breakfasts, Main courses, and Desserts €3.80 to €15.50
Individual and incinerable packet, can be placed in the fire Water line inside the packet 1 to 3 years 30 to 160 g 150 to 520 g 180 to 630 kcal Breakfasts, Main courses, and Desserts €3.55 to €14.95
Individual packet Water line inside the packet 3 years 100 to 200 g 200 to 770 g 400 to 800 kcal Breakfasts, Main courses, Desserts, and Staple foods €5.50 to €10.50
Small format or double-portion packet No water line in the packet (same packaging for small or double portions) 5 years Small format: 125 g / Double-portion: 250 g Small format: 200 to 575 g / Double-portion: 650 to 1150 g Small format: 400 to 700 kcal / Double-portion: 325 to 1125 kcal Breakfasts, Main courses, Desserts, Soups, and Staple foods Small format: €3.50 to €6.95 / Double-portion: €6.95 to €10.95
Individual packet Water line outside the packet 3 years 100 to 155 g 300 to 580 g 450 to 600 kcal Breakfasts, Main courses €4.95 to €7.50

Outdoor meals that meet everyone's needs

Nowadays, brands develop various recipes to meet everyone's needs or to respect food intolerances. These recipes will satisfy all food lovers even if they have no particular dietary constraints:

Feedback: Do you have a favorite brand?

We are in contact with all our manufacturers and suppliers with whom we have trusted relationships. It is very difficult for us to choose a particular brand. It depends on each person's tastes, budgets, and cultures. That's why we have so many choices!

If you have feedback, an anecdote, or a review to share with us, please send us your experience by email!