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What to do in a crisis situation in a city ?

Every year, populations around the world and in France are exposed to emergency situations. These can be of natural origin (storms, floods, heatwaves, fires, accidents, etc.), technological (SEVESO* companies), or even human (attacks, accidents, etc.). While they are often unpredictable, it is possible to prepare for them through emergency procedures, a stock of food, water, and equipment.

Developed by the town hall and under the responsibility of the mayor, the Municipal Safeguard Plan (PCS) was created to prepare in advance and avoid as much as possible falling into a crisis. It is mandatory for municipalities with an approved Natural Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) (for example, for towns located near a nuclear power plant). In reality, it is strongly recommended for all French municipalities to create a PCS to cope with climatic, health, and other disturbances of collective life (for example: prolonged interruption of water or electricity supply). In all cases, it is important to build a stock of food, water, and equipment in advance to be as prepared as possible.

Since 2010, the team at Lyophilise & Co – a company based in Brittany – has gained solid expertise in advising and supplying food and equipment for emergency situations to NGOs, fire departments, gendarmeries, institutions, and also European delegations.

In this article, discover the three essential points to consider when preparing a Municipal Safeguard Plan (PCS).

* SEVESO companies: They have activities related to the handling, manufacture, use, or storage of hazardous substances (refineries, (petro)chemical sites, oil depots, etc.).


solutions tailored to your needs

It is not always easy to manage, especially when you find yourself in a group and need a sufficient quantity. In the event of a major accident, access to food may be compromised. The need to prepare reserves in advance thus becomes essential. Today, there are food solutions with extra-long shelf lives and minimal storage space.

The need to prepare reserves in advance thus becomes essential. Today, there are food solutions with extra-long shelf lives and minimal storage space.

  • Freeze-dried meals: with a shelf life of 2 to 8 years after the production date, individual portion recipes are varied and adapt to dietary constraints (gluten-free, lactose-free, etc.). For groups, there are multi-portion boxes with a shelf life of up to 25 years. In terms of use, it is necessary to have hot water to rehydrate the meal (the amount of water is indicated on the sachet or box and it is possible to eat directly from the sachet or distribute the contents of the box into bowls).

Also know that there are custom packs with individual sachets inside to facilitate food distribution.

  • Self-heating meals: when it is complicated to heat water, this solution is ideal. These are sterilized meals accompanied by a flameless heater. No need for a stove, fire, or gas, just a little water (or other liquid) to activate the heating system. There are many recipes available that can adapt to different dietary needs. Their shelf life is 1 to 3 years after the production date.

Explanation video: 

  • Compact rations: They are particularly suitable for emergency situations since a single ration equals a day's worth of food. They contain all the necessary nutrients to restore and maintain the essential functions of the human body in a very compact biscuit. The rations are suitable for both children and adults, and are ready to use without prior preparation or heating. They have a shelf life of 5 to 20 years.

Depending on each solution, Lyophilise & Co offers custom rations or kits based on your needs (number of people, days, shelf life, packaging, etc.).


essential for survival

Just as important: water. To stay hydrated and rehydrate freeze-dried meals, you have several options. You can opt for water in a barrel for its many advantages:

  • It is perfectly watertight, even in case of shock,
  • It is perfect for groups thanks to its tap – making it easy to distribute water,
  • It has a shelf life of around ten years.

There are also packs of 24 sachets of 125 ml (for a total of 3 liters) or 120 sachets of 125 ml (for a total of 15 liters) which can be more practical for easy transport in case of need or adding to your evacuation bags.

In both cases, the water lasts for at least 5 years, unlike plastic bottles that can only be stored for 2 years. This is practical for easier stock management and avoiding frequent rotations.

Emergency equipment,

to help and treat injuries

Having a first aid kit and equipment with you in case of an incident will allow you to help and treat some injuries. Here is a non-exhaustive list of equipment to consider:

  • Sterile compresses
  • Disposable gloves
  • Pair of round-tipped scissors
  • Band-aids
  • Adhesive tape
  • Emergency blanket
  • Elastic bandages
  • ...

Also, it is important to think about having a portable radio with you to stay informed about the situation.
We also recommend having a whistle with you to signal your presence to rescuers if you are lost in the middle of nowhere.

Lighting and energy needs,

equipment not to overlook

Today, more and more flashlights allow you to light up, but also serve as alarms to help you raise the alert. As for headlamps, they will offer you greater freedom of movement. In both cases, they often have an included rechargeable battery to avoid running out of energy too quickly.

Let's not forget the light sticks: An alternative to signal rescuers or simply provide a small light source for illumination.

Regarding energy needs, think about external batteries to be able to recharge a mobile phone several times, for example.

Evacuation bags

from the NGO Secouristes Sans Frontières

In partnership with the NGO Secouristes sans Frontières, Lyophilise & Co has developed evacuation bags to cope with a disaster. Equipped with a first aid kit, food, water, and equipment for signaling, communicating, or sheltering, each evacuation bag contains the essentials to be self-sufficient for 72 hours during an evacuation. Practical kits to ensure you don't forget anything!


As you will understand from reading this article, it is important to be well prepared in advance in case of a crisis situation:

  • For meals, use freeze-dried meals (light, easy to rehydrate and heat), self-heating meals (with flameless heaters when it is complicated to heat water), or compact rations (which contain all necessary nutrients for a day, ready to eat as is) depending on what you find most practical according to what you need.
  • Regarding water, you have 2 options: in a barrel (practical when you are with a group), or in sachets that are easily stored for small groups.
  • For equipment, always have at least a complete first aid kit with a portable radio and a fully charged battery to stay informed.

These many points can also apply to the implementation of a Specific Security Plan (PPMS) – intended for schools.

For any questions or requests for quotes, the Lyophilise & Co team is at your disposal by email team(at)lyophilise.com and by phone at to advise you and find the most suitable solutions for your needs (depending on the number of people, the number of days, but also the desired shelf life of the products, etc.).


Info: if you are a municipality, a public institution, or a company, it is possible to order

via administrative mandate.

💡 A word about Lyophilise & Co?

Based in Lorient (Brittany), we are an online store specializing in food and outdoor equipment. We offer quality products designed to accompany outdoor enthusiasts for years.

Our experience allows us to deliver quickly throughout Europe. If you have any questions, our experts are available and will be happy to advise you:

☎ 02 97 87 23 73
📧 team[at]lyophilise.com

We also have a showroom open from Monday to Friday:

📍 6 bis rue du sous-marin Vénus, 56100 Lorient