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Extended until 22 July inclusive: -15% on freeze-dried products and -10% on equipment (excluding special offers) with the code 'HAPPYLYO'!

Freeze-dried Starches and Vegetables - Long shelf life

Vegetables and starches are staple foods whose benefits are well established today. Whether you are an athlete or not, it is recommended to consume them daily. In the form of juice, smoothies, or direct consumption, vegetables help to supplement our vitamin and mineral intake. Starches, on the other hand, help to replenish the carbohydrates the body needs. In this section, we offer you vegetables and starches with a long shelf life. Discover this varied range through this article. 

Vegetables and starches – long shelf life: what is it?

Vegetables and starches that have a long shelf life are nothing more than foods that have undergone freeze-drying. It is a food preservation process that has been carefully thought out and, once developed, has proven to be efficient.
To go further, freeze-drying is a process that involves first freezing a food item, then dehydrating it to remove all the water it contains. This process has many advantages, including preserving the food for many years, even several decades. Moreover, freeze-drying does not alter the flavors or nutritional values of the food. Additionally, there is no risk of the food rotting or even forming mold.
To recall, many foods can be freeze-dried. For a food to be suitable for freeze-drying, it must contain water. Therefore, except for honey and oil, all foods, including vegetables and starches, can undergo freeze-drying.
The long shelf life vegetables and starches we offer are freeze-dried. Specifically, they include cheeses, biscuits, carrots, and freeze-dried rice. These are either packaged in pouches or in cans. Those in pouches have a shelf life of 5 years. In contrast, those in cans have a shelf life ranging from 15 to 25 years. Note that the shelf life also depends on the brands.
Vegetables and starches are foods that endurance athletes and outdoor activity enthusiasts must integrate into their diet.

Nutritional benefits of vegetables for outdoor activity enthusiasts

Vegetables are an important source of vitamins and trace elements. To begin with, they are particularly rich in water and minerals. Since you lose a lot of water through sweating during a hike, consuming vegetables will help you replenish. Consuming vegetables is another way to stay hydrated during physical activity.
Vegetables also help you replenish your energy. Indeed, some vegetables, like carrots, are rich in carbohydrates. These are a significant source of energy. Thanks to vegetables, you can boost your performance.
Vegetables help you recover properly after physical exertion. When you exert yourself, your body secretes lactic acid. This is responsible for the fatigue and soreness experienced after the activity. Vegetables combat fatigue and allow for good recovery by inhibiting this enzyme.
Additionally, vegetables are true antioxidants. Indeed, during physical exertion, the production of free radicals becomes even more significant. These are molecules that attack and destroy the body's cells. Vegetables, being rich in polyphenols, carotenoids, and vitamins (C, E), neutralize these free radicals.

Nutritional benefits of starches for outdoor activity enthusiasts

Starches occupy a prominent place in our diet today. They contain large amounts of slow sugars that provide us with energy when we need it. This is why they are considered essential fuel for daily activities. It should be noted that they are strongly recommended by the PNNS (National Nutrition Health Program), which suggests consuming a portion at each meal.
They are very rich in starch, which is a premium quality carbohydrate for the body. They contain, among other things, fibers, minerals, vegetable proteins, and B vitamins. They are particularly recommended for athletes because the nutrients they contain are slowly assimilated by the body. This represents a progressive energy source that is quite important for maintaining performance over a long period.

Advantages of long shelf life products

Long shelf life vegetables and starches are essential items that outdoor enthusiasts should add to their travel kit. They can be stored for many years. They allow them to remain self-sufficient during emergency situations.
These foods are ultra-light and therefore easy to carry in your backpack. Another advantage of freeze-dried foods is that they retain their flavor and color. So, don't worry about having to consume unappetizing foods. They also retain their nutritional values.
They are packaged in very large cans that can feed an entire group or family. If you are alone, you gain about 2 weeks of food with these cans. This type of food requires no preparation process. All you have to do is rehydrate them, preferably with hot water, and wait a few minutes to enjoy.
Once rehydrated, they will regain their original volume. You can thus enjoy delicious and nutritious meals.

When to consume them?

Vegetables or starches, these two foods can be consumed before or after physical activity.
Consuming starches before exercise allows you to store a significant amount of energy useful during the activity. It is recommended to consume them about 10 hours before the activity to give the body enough time to convert them into energy. They can also be consumed after exertion to allow for good recovery.
Consuming vegetables during the recovery phase helps boost glycogen production, depleted during exertion.

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