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Extended until 22 July inclusive: -15% on freeze-dried products and -10% on equipment (excluding special offers) with the code 'HAPPYLYO'!

Freeze-dried staple foods

For outdoor activity enthusiasts, the biggest challenge remains food. Indeed, it is always necessary to prepare adequate provisions without impacting health. The selected foods must provide significant energy for the body. To solve this, what better than basic freeze-dried foods? A good alternative to freeze-dried meals. These foods offer several advantages for everyone. If you want to get some, we offer various varieties at Freezedried & Co for a better hike or good experience.

Basic freeze-dried foods

The issue of food preservation has long been subject to many challenges. Given the role of food in human life, this situation is understandable. Recently, we have been able to get our hands on one of the most useful and effective solutions. Freeze-drying is a process of preserving food products by dehydrating them while preserving their flavor. In detail, the food is frozen and then completely dried to remove the water. Thus, you only need to add water for it to regain its form. This technology offers the best results in terms of food preservation (especially snacks) and maintains a good level of nutrients in the food.

Which foods can be freeze-dried?

Referring to the principle of freeze-drying, the more water a food contains, the more promising its preservation by this technology is. Water is the main factor favoring freeze-drying. Therefore, except for overly sweet, salty, or oily products like honey, all foods can be freeze-dried. Foods often subject to this process include: fruits (slightly sweet), vegetables, meat, cheese, hot drinks. To enrich your knowledge and provide you with a new experience, we offer a wide range of freeze-dried products. We have something for every taste and at prices adjusted to your budget.

Meats and starches

For meat lovers, we have freeze-dried beef and chicken cubes available in cans. They are rich in proteins with a value of 45.4g to 57.2g in lipids for an energy intake of 1456.6Kj to 1249Kj for each product. We also have freeze-dried rice rich in carbohydrates (826g) and proteins (87g). These values are not standard but relative to your choices in terms of meat and starches.

Fruits and vegetables

To replenish your vitamins, we have various freeze-dried fruits and vegetables. There is a varied range of fruit and vegetable powders. To consume fruit powders, simply add warm or cold water as desired. The process is the same for vegetables, depending on whether you want to make a vegetable soup or a decoction. The freeze-drying process reduces the sugar content in fruits, eliminating excess sugar upon rehydration for consumption. The taste is not affected. Products include: organic coconut, strawberry, organic beetroot, banana, apple... We also have freeze-dried strawberry cubes, whole freeze-dried raspberries in packages and cans. For vegetables, we offer vegetable powders as well as whole vegetables to diversify choices. Among the vegetable powders, we have: organic spinach, kale, various vegetable mixes, etc. Besides these, you have carrot granules, grilled pepper mixes, peas, jalapeno pepper, and many more.

Advantages for athletes (hikers, skippers, ...)

Engaging in activities like hiking or any other similar activity requires preparation and energy. The longer the activity takes, the more food you need to plan for. Freeze-dried food is an option that will save you space in your bag. Indeed, this type of food weighs almost nothing. It is easy to transport and can be stored for a long period as long as the packaging is not opened. The nutritional values of the products are preserved and even improved. For your sport, you need foods that provide proteins to combat muscle fatigue. Freeze-drying minimally damages the food and preserves the nutritional values (especially those of essential nutrients). Fats that are harmful to the body are obviously eliminated.

An everyday advantage

On a daily basis, it can help reduce our consumption of foods rich in fats. For breakfast, for example, you can consume freeze-dried coffee. It has a considerable energy intake to boost your day. Instead of small pastries that are full of excess sugars, you can choose Beef Jerky (dried meats).

Time saved

Cooking takes time. Even making a quick snack can easily take more than 5 minutes. Freeze-dried snacks are extremely quick and easy to prepare. Additionally, you have the option of instructions and composition to know how to prepare them and have an idea of what you are ingesting.

Shelf life

Even when stored in the fridge, after a certain time, many foods lose their nutritional value. Others lose their flavor and slowly become inedible. For the toughest meals, they barely last a week. The purpose of freeze-drying is preservation, and freeze-dried meals hold up best. When perfectly preserved, they can last up to 15 or even 25 years. In comparison, frozen products only last for 2 years, and after these two years, the nutritional values are no longer really useful to the body. Some even become harmful to our bodies.

Ease of transport

A food subjected to freeze-drying can lose up to 80% of its weight, or even more. Being packaged products, they become easily transportable and therefore less cumbersome. In a school bag, you can have enough freeze-dried food for at least 4 days of hiking.

All in all, freeze-dried foods are not necessarily complete meals. However, they provide a quick source of essential nutrients. They also allow for a quick snack while waiting for a good meal.

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