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A full supply of vitamins with freeze-dried fruits & vegetables

The importance of fruits and vegetables is undeniable nowadays. Whether we are athletes or not, it is recommended to consume them daily. In the form of juice, smoothies, or consumed directly, they help us get our fill of vitamins and minerals. In this article, we will focus on outdoor athletes of all kinds, presenting them with our range of freeze-dried fruits and freeze-dried vegetables.

Freeze-dried fruits and vegetables: what are they?

Foods are considered freeze-dried when they have undergone freeze-drying. This is a highly advanced technique that allows food to be preserved long-term after processing. It proves to be the most efficient, which is why it is so appreciated.
For a food to be freeze-dried, it must contain water. This is indeed the case with fruits and vegetables. These have been pre-frozen for many hours and then completely dehydrated. The dehydration process then allows them to be ground and sealed in compact packaging for preservation over many years.

Our range also includes fruit powders and vegetable powders. These are easy to use and will help you daily, whether you are an athlete or not.

What are the benefits of freeze-dried fruits and vegetables during outdoor activities?

Freeze-dried products are specially designed for outdoor activity enthusiasts. First of all, being fruits and vegetables, they complement your diet to help you get your fill of energy. They are an excellent way to stay hydrated when in nature. Since they are freeze-dried, they become easier to transport. Indeed, they lose more than 80% of their initial weight.

You can therefore take several packages of freeze-dried fruits and vegetables with you on your expeditions. This is a change from carrying whole fruits in your bag, which take up a lot of space and are quite heavy.

Freeze-dried fruits and vegetables retain their taste and color. When rehydrated, you can enjoy the natural colors of your fruit juices or smoothies. You also won't have to drink bland beverages. Their sweet and pleasant flavor is maintained.

Their nutritional value is also preserved. You can easily regain the energy you need to ensure your expedition. On our site, you will find all kinds of fruits (raspberries, bananas, strawberries, blueberries...) and vegetables (spinach, beets, cabbage...) in powder form.

What are the benefits of fruits and vegetables for athletes?

First of all, it should be noted that fruits and vegetables are very rich in water. They are therefore perfect for staying hydrated during your performances. Remember that during physical exertion, you can lose 1 to 3 liters of water (depending on the effort you put in). This is significant, which is why it is advisable to hydrate every 20 minutes (according to some dietitians). Fruits and vegetables are therefore your best allies.

They also have a moderate glycemic index. This will allow you to save energy and stay efficient for a long time. Their richness in fiber will give you a feeling of satiety. We also note that they are rich in vitamins and minerals. These are essential to limit fatigue and help you push your limits. They will also help you during the recovery phase.

By consuming vegetable smoothies, you can get your fill of calcium, a nutrient essential for bone development.

Daily use of freeze-dried fruits and vegetables

As mentioned above, our fruit and vegetable powders will also be useful for non-outdoor activities. They will make your daily life easier. Mainly, their ease of preparation. This is a big change from washing and pressing fruits for long minutes to finally get a small amount of juice.

You just need to pour a few tablespoons of one of these powders into a container and add cold water. Stir it all together and it's ready. You will save a lot of time in the kitchen. It's a good solution to quickly make fruit juice for children's snacks, for example. We want to emphasize that our products are 100% natural and organic. They contain no additives, preservatives, or colorants.

If you often struggle to get your child to eat vegetables, freeze-dried vegetables are made for you. You just need to add one or more tablespoons to a quiche, for example. This way, you will get them to eat their vegetables effortlessly.

You can let your creativity run wild and make healthy and delicious cocktails and smoothies. Ground fruits can serve as flavoring for your yogurts or cakes.

Some freeze-dried fruits and vegetables

In this section, you can discover our very varied range of fruit and vegetable powders. These are products made by the best brands, including Lyo Food, which will provide you with the necessary vitamins and minerals for your expedition.
Here are our favorites:

These three products from the Lyo Powders range are certified organic and free from industrial products. Their energy value is over 300 kcals per 100 g. They are easy to prepare. You just need to put one to two tablespoons in a container and add water. You can find more details on each preparation by referring to the packaging.

In any case, these are concentrated fruits that will be useful in many preparations. You just need to let your culinary creativity run free.

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